SOSprof Tutorat scolaire - SOSteacher Tutoring

Tutoring services and homework help 2024

Academic coaching, homework help and exam preparation

Tutoring sessions allow the student to catch up academically as well as achieve an academic level in line with the educational objectives prescribed by their current grade level, in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Aide aux devoirs - SOSteacher Homework help

Remidial Teaching Services 2024

Do you need private remedial teacher to achieve better academic results?

If your child is experiencing persistent difficulties in school, such as trouble keeping up with lessons, understanding taught subjects, or if they have a diagnosed learning disorder like dyslexia or ADHD, they could greatly benefit from the support of a remedial teacher.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

Home schooling

Accompanying you through this beautiful project

If you choose to homeschool your child, oversight from the Ministry of Education is required. A teaching resource from SOSprof can help you set goals to ensure the smooth progression of your child’s educational journey.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Cours d'été - SOSteacher Summer courses

Summer Courses 2024

Academic support for your child’s learning!

The summer class provides academic support for your child’s learning and reinforces it so that he or she can internalize it and be ready for the new school year. It is a review that helps organize and integrate the concepts learned in the classroom during the previous school year. It also allows the student to catch up on his or her schoolwork in order to pass an exam, with the help of a private teacher.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Tutorat scolaire pour les élèves-athlètes - SOSteacher Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Personalized tutoring to fit your student-athlete’s schedule..

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play. These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Préparation à l’examen d’admission au secondaire - SOSteacher High school entrance exam preparation

Home schooling

5 to 6 tutoring sessions to well prepare your young teenager.

Our tutors specialized in this field prepare your youngster both psychologically and academically by putting them in a situation where they take a mock admission test similar to the one they will undergo for their enrollment in a private school.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Services spécialisés pour la famille - SOSprof Specialized family services

Specialized education services

Academic support for your child’s learning!

Fulfill your child’s potential with our specialized educational services. From speech therapy to occupational therapy and neuropsychology, our experts tailor strategies to overcome learning, sensory, emotional and cognitive difficulties. Discover a world of possibilities for your child’s success and well-being.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help

Tips and tricks to make homework time easier

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help

Homework time

By Audrey Thauvette, psychoeducator and blogger at SOSteacher

make homework time easier, SOSprof tutorat


Homework time quickly becomes a nightmare for many parents. Finding ways to make homework time easier is becoming a necessity to promote learning as well as the family climate.


My child is easily distracted and has difficulty concentrating.

Here are a few tips:

Set up in a quiet, well-lit area conducive to productivity;

Stay away from people and animals that can interfere with concentration;

Eliminate sources of distraction (television, radio, computer, cell phone, etc.);

Keep only materials needed for the study period within easy reach;

If necessary, reduce auditory stimuli with ear muffs and visual stimuli with a screen;

Adjust furniture to comply with ergonomic rules;

Respond to the child’s sensory needs by varying work positions.


My child avoids homework time

Here are a few tips:

Make study time a non-negotiable part of the daily schedule (the best time for homework should take into account the availability of both child and parent);

Create a special, pleasant moment with the child about 30 minutes before homework time, so that the child can look forward to this time of day.


My child lacks motivation and commitment

Here are a few tips:

Provide the child with stimulating and varied study materials;

Set up in a pleasant environment;

Reduce the length of the study period;

Be playful and creative by transforming lessons into games, taking into account the child’s interests (e.g., technology, singing) and needs (e.g., movement);

Ask the child to take up a challenge (e.g., write with the left hand, invent a story using the words being studied, improve his or her multiplication table time);

Explain and demonstrate the usefulness of homework by making links with daily life;

Set short-, medium- and long-term goals;

Vary learning methods (using chalk, paint or educational apps);

Reward the child once homework has been completed.


My child gets angry when faced with a difficulty

Here are a few tips:

Encourage the child;

Alternate easy tasks with more difficult ones;

Take frequent breaks;

Teach the child ways to manage anger (breathing, meditation, stress ball, putty);

Offer help.


My child doesn’t make an effort

Here are a few tips:

Value the effort rather than the end result;

Clarify your expectations before beginning the study period.

Reduce demands:

Work on 1 objective at a time (calligraphy, problem-solving approach);

Do only part of the exercises to check the child’s understanding (if he or she has grasped the concept, there’s no need to do all the exercises). Over time, the demands will increase, but for the time being, it’s better for the child to do a few numbers than none at all;

Establish an incentive system for effort;

Transform learning into games, taking into account the child’s interests.


ADHD: making homework easier

Here are a few tips:

Have a bin of materials at home to avoid forgetting or losing school supplies;

Make a checklist of homework and lessons to be completed;

Use a visual timer;

Use reminders and visual reference systems to support learning;

Segment the task (1 number at a time);

Highlight important elements of the text;

Take frequent breaks (pre-established breaks in the homework period);

Respect the child’s attentional profile (need to move, manipulate, low attention span, auditory or visual attention);

Alternate easy tasks with more difficult ones.


 Dyslexia: making reading more enjoyable

Here are a few tips:

Use a reading rule to isolate the line of text to be read;

Alternate reading with your child;

Shorten the reading period;

Read the task instructions to your child;

Highlight important elements in the text;

Segment the task;

Use technology (several software programs and applications exist to support the learning of children with special needs).


Here are a few ideas to vary the study period and learn while having fun:

Vocabulary / verbs

–      Write with foam letters, magnetic letters, Scrabble letters, modeling clay, crayons, pipe cleaners, etc. ;

–      Trace on a person’s back, in the snow or sand, on a chalkboard or fogged-up glass, on a cell phone or computer, etc. ;

–      Create a story or song based on the concepts under study;

–      Learn lessons to the tune of a familiar song;

–      Spelling or conjugating while jumping on a trampoline, playing hopscotch, jumping rope, etc.


–      Read aloud, in duets, in canon, with a flashlight, under a tent of blankets, with a magnifying glass, in the voice of a robot or a radio host, with a microphone, etc. … ;

–      Ask the child to illustrate the cover or his/her favorite part of the book, and ask him/her to present his/her work and summarize the book;

–      Read to a family member via videoconference.


–      Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables: study with various household objects (playing dice, Lego blocks, figurines, dominoes, playing cards);

–      Odd and even numbers: learn with pairs of socks, pairs of shoes, etc. ;

–      Ascending and descending order: classify the ages of family members, spread numbers out on the clothesline or on the stairs so that the child can put them back in order;

–      Bonds: practice leaps with numbers written on a ruler or tape measure;

–      Fractions: tame fractions by preparing recipes (¼, ½, ¾), cutting a pie or dividing the meal according to the number of people ;

–      Estimation: ask the child to estimate the cost of the grocery bill, the number of people in a theater, the distance to travel to a room in the house ;

–      Geometry: recognize the shapes of road signs and household objects.


–      Make riddles, charades, mystery words;

–      Vary mediums: paper, mirror, chalkboard, calculator, cell phone, computer, etc. ;

–      Be creative and use elements of the environment;

–      Respond to the child’s needs and interests (moving, using technology, etc.).



Description of psychoeducation

Psychoeducators work with people of all ages who are experiencing behavioral adjustment difficulties. Through the helping relationship he establishes with his client, the psychoeducator assesses the adaptive capacities and difficulties of the client and his environment, in order to find solutions that meet the client’s needs and promote his psychosocial adaptation.


Here’s another article that’s sure to please:



Find out more and get better equipped:



  • Caron Santha, J. (2015). Comment survivre aux devoirs. Éditions Midi Trente.
  • Lambert, A. & Rouillier, I. (2017). Devoirs : la boîte à outils : trucs et idées faciles pour apprendre en s’amusant. Éditions de Mortagne.
  • Philippon, J. (2014). Devoirs : 5 trucs faciles et accessibles pour aider nos enfants ! Repéré à : http://mamanbooh. com/2014/09/devoirs-5-trucs-faciles-et-accessibles.html


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Academic support for your child’s learning!

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play.

These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

High School Entrance Exam Preparation

5 to 6 tutoring sessions to well prepare your young teenager.

Our tutors specialize in this field to prepare your teen psychologically and academically by putting him/her in a mock admission test situation. The tutor will correct the test and provide feedback on what needs to be worked on with the student.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help

Upgrading for parents for homework help

Academic support for your child’s learning!

The update sessions give parents the opportunity to understand and experience the educational program, regardless of the level or subject. They effectively equip them to confidently assist their children with homework.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

Home schooling

Accompanying you through this beautiful project

If you choose to homeschool your child, oversight from the Ministry of Education is required. A teaching resource from SOSprof can help you set goals to ensure the smooth progression of your child’s educational journey.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Services spécialisés pour la famille - SOSprof Specialized family services

Tutoring services and homework help

Academic coaching, homework help and exam preparation

Tutoring sessions allow the student to catch up academically as well as achieve an academic level in line with the educational objectives prescribed by their current grade level, in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Tutorat scolaire pour les élèves-athlètes - SOSteacher Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Personalized tutoring to fit your student-athlete’s schedule..

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play. These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help