SOSprof Tutorat scolaire - SOSteacher Tutoring

Tutoring services and homework help 2024

Academic coaching, homework help and exam preparation

Tutoring sessions allow the student to catch up academically as well as achieve an academic level in line with the educational objectives prescribed by their current grade level, in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Aide aux devoirs - SOSteacher Homework help

Remidial Teaching Services 2024

Do you need private remedial teacher to achieve better academic results?

If your child is experiencing persistent difficulties in school, such as trouble keeping up with lessons, understanding taught subjects, or if they have a diagnosed learning disorder like dyslexia or ADHD, they could greatly benefit from the support of a remedial teacher.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

Home schooling

Accompanying you through this beautiful project

If you choose to homeschool your child, oversight from the Ministry of Education is required. A teaching resource from SOSprof can help you set goals to ensure the smooth progression of your child’s educational journey.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Cours d'été - SOSteacher Summer courses

Summer Courses 2024

Academic support for your child’s learning!

The summer class provides academic support for your child’s learning and reinforces it so that he or she can internalize it and be ready for the new school year. It is a review that helps organize and integrate the concepts learned in the classroom during the previous school year. It also allows the student to catch up on his or her schoolwork in order to pass an exam, with the help of a private teacher.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Tutorat scolaire pour les élèves-athlètes - SOSteacher Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Personalized tutoring to fit your student-athlete’s schedule..

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play. These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Préparation à l’examen d’admission au secondaire - SOSteacher High school entrance exam preparation

Home schooling

5 to 6 tutoring sessions to well prepare your young teenager.

Our tutors specialized in this field prepare your youngster both psychologically and academically by putting them in a situation where they take a mock admission test similar to the one they will undergo for their enrollment in a private school.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Services spécialisés pour la famille - SOSprof Specialized family services

Specialized education services

Academic support for your child’s learning!

Fulfill your child’s potential with our specialized educational services. From speech therapy to occupational therapy and neuropsychology, our experts tailor strategies to overcome learning, sensory, emotional and cognitive difficulties. Discover a world of possibilities for your child’s success and well-being.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
Les phases de la Lune SOSprof

Moon phases

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
Moon phases: The Moon has phases because it's constantly in motion. Every day, it revolves on itself, slowly changing its position in relation to the Earth. It completes one complete rotation around the Earth in about 28 days.

the moon

If we could stand just far enough back in the fields, with a long cosmic telescope, we could see the whole of our solar system and its 194 moons! Only Mercury and Venus have no moons, but the planet with the most moons is Jupiter, with no less than 79!


Why does the Moon have phases?

The Moon has phases because it moves constantly. Every day, it revolves around itself, slowly changing its position in relation to the Earth. It completes a full rotation around the Earth in about 28 days, the same time it takes to complete a full revolution around itself. So it often changes its location in relation to the Sun and the Earth.

In short, it’s not the moon’s light that changes, but our perception of the Sun’s brightness on its movements, which are very different from those of the Earth. Here’s a link to the Moon’s rotation and revolution around the Earth.


Examples of phases:

The phases of the Moon confirm that it is always in action, and that its movement is perpetual.
  • Phase 1: New Moon: also known as the Black Moon, invisible to us Phase 2: First crescent: very thin, narrow Phase 3: First quarter: visible half-disk Phase 4: Waning Gibbous Moon: almost full Phase 5: Full Moon: completely visible side illuminated by the sun Phase 6: Waning gibbous moon Phase 7: Last quarter: half the moon is visible Phase 8: Last crescent: before disappearing and resuming its lunation cycle

The dark side of the Moon.

Since its unique motion doesn’t correspond to ours, and it’s simply continuing its celestial orbital movement, part of its face will always seem hidden from us. Since we both rotate, but at different speeds, the Moon always presents us with the same face. In fact, the Moon’s visible face is quite different from its hidden face.


How can you tell the difference between a waxing and waning Moon?

By adding a line along the center of the moon:

  • Descending : You’ll see the letter “d or q” in the sky
    Ascending: You will see the letter “b or p” in the sky

It’s a handy mnemonic trick. Of course, you can only see it if the sky is clear and not too cloudy.


Lunar eclipses :

As I pointed out earlier, the Moon doesn’t produce light. It’s more like a mirror reflecting the Sun’s light. Depending on the alignment of the Moon, Earth and Sun, the Earth can cast a shadow on the Moon, reducing its clarity. This is known as a lunar eclipse. During a total eclipse, however, some of the Sun’s light can pass through the Earth’s atmosphere.

The blue light of the Sun’s rays is diffused by the Earth’s atmosphere, while the red light passes through.

Chantale Hébert

B.A., AMI, M. Éd.

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SOSprof Cours d'été - SOSteacher Summer courses

Summer Courses 2024

Academic support for your child’s learning!

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play.

These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

High School Entrance Exam Preparation

5 to 6 tutoring sessions to well prepare your young teenager.

Our tutors specialize in this field to prepare your teen psychologically and academically by putting him/her in a mock admission test situation. The tutor will correct the test and provide feedback on what needs to be worked on with the student.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help

Upgrading for parents for homework help

Academic support for your child’s learning!

The update sessions give parents the opportunity to understand and experience the educational program, regardless of the level or subject. They effectively equip them to confidently assist their children with homework.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Scolarisation à la maison - SOSprof Home schooling

Home schooling

Accompanying you through this beautiful project

If you choose to homeschool your child, oversight from the Ministry of Education is required. A teaching resource from SOSprof can help you set goals to ensure the smooth progression of your child’s educational journey.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Services spécialisés pour la famille - SOSprof Specialized family services

Tutoring services and homework help

Academic coaching, homework help and exam preparation

Tutoring sessions allow the student to catch up academically as well as achieve an academic level in line with the educational objectives prescribed by their current grade level, in accordance with the program of the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport.

Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help
SOSprof Tutorat scolaire pour les élèves-athlètes - SOSteacher Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Academic tutoring for student-athletes

Personalized tutoring to fit your student-athlete’s schedule..

Our student-athletes are taught according to variable schedules depending on the sport they play, the location and the level of sport they play. These young people all have one thing in common when it comes to their schooling: they must be very independent. SOSteacher offers personalized academic support by adapting to the subject matter, but more importantly, to the schedule of our student-athletes. The tutoring is done mainly at a distance, which allows us to follow our students all over the world!
Tutorat et aide aux devoirs SOSprof - SOSteacher tutoring and homework help