The Technico-sciences mathematics program (Ts4)
To make learning easier and more successful in your child’s next math class, it’s important for him or her to master certain essential concepts. This page will give you access to the key concepts of the Mathématiques technico sciences (TS4) program. This knowledge is in line with the Quebec Education Program (QEP) and the learning progression (PDA), available on the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Quebec website.
What is decisive knowledge (learning)?
It corresponds to what your child needs to know, be able to do or understand to succeed in his or her new mathematics program. For learning to be decisive, it must be prerequisite, transferable and durable.
Prerequisite: Does it prepare your child for other essential learning in the field in question?
Transferable: Is it useful for your child in other school subjects or disciplines?
Durable: Is it useful for your child throughout his or her life?
Skills assessed during the mathematics course
Your child is assessed on the following two skills:
Competence 1 (C1)
Solving a problem situation (30%)
Your child is evaluated by a problem situation that raises one or more aspects of a problem that needs to be solved using mathematical knowledge.
Compétence 2 (C2)
Mathematical reasoning (70%)
Your child is evaluated with application situations that raise one or more conjectures (relationships, statements, opinions, conclusions, etc.), implicit or explicit, that need to be discovered, explained, generalized, proven or refuted using mathematical knowledge.
The Ministry exam
In Secondary 4, your child must pass the Ministry’s Épreuve unique. Successful completion of the CST4, TS4 or SN4 mathematics course is a prerequisite for the Secondary School Diploma (SSD). This test assesses the development of Competency 2: Mathematical Reasoning. It focuses on the main concepts and processes covered in the CST4, TS4 or SN4 mathematics program. The test accounts for 50% of the overall mark for Competency 2.
Information document – Single tests – Mathematics, Secondary 4
Key skills for higher levels
The knowledge below represents the key knowledge required for success at higher levels. The PFEQ program and the PDA remain the official reference documents.
Arithmetic – Algebra
- Multiplying algebraic expressions
- Divide a polynomial by a polynomial
Division of a polynomial by a binomial (mathematics)
- Factorize
Simple and double highlighting
Alloprof – Factorisation by single highlighting
Alloprof – Factorisation by Double Highlighting
- Sum product
Factoring using the product and sum technique
- Perfect square trinomial
Factorization of perfect square
- Difference in squares
Factorisation by difference of squares
- Handling regular expressions
Alloprof – Adding and subtracting rational fractions
Alloprof – Division of Rational Fractions
- Use the quadratic formula
The zeros of the degree 2 polynomial function
- Résoudre graphiquement une inéquation du 1er degré à 2 variables Traduire une situation par un système d’équations
Solve a system of 1st degree equations with 2 variables
Comparison method
Alloprof -Solving with the comparison method
Reduction method
Alloprof – Solving a system of equations by reduction
Substitution method
Alloprof – Solving a system of equations by substitution
- Describe the role of parameters a, b,
Role of parameters on functions
- La fonction quadratique
Alloprof – Degree 2 Polynomial Function Graph
- The integer function
Alloprof – Integer Function Equation
Listen: make a graph of the integer function
- Describe the properties of functions
The fonctions
The quadratic function: ?(?)=??2 (find the rule and determine values)
Maths TS4 – second-degree polynomial function
The exponential function: ?(?)=??? (find the rule and determine values)
Math TS 4 – The exponential function
The basic square root function
The basic logarithm function
Math TS4 – Logarithm functions
The basic integer function
The function defined by parts
Math TS4 – Function defined by parts
Probability Statistics
- Describe and interpret the relationship between 2 variables (qualitative and quantitative with the correlation coefficient)
Alloprof – The correlation coefficient
- Regression line (Mayer and median-median methods)
Alloprof – The median-median straight line method
- Mayer straight line method
- Find a measure in a right-angled triangle using metric relationships
- Find a measure in a right-angled triangle using trigonometric ratios (sin, cos, tan)
Trigonometric ratios (sin, cos, tan)
- Find a measure in a triangle using the law of sines
- Calculate the area of a triangle using Heron’s formula and trigonometric formula
Calculating the area of a triangle (Heron’s law)
Analytical geometry
- Calculate the distance between two points
The distance between two points
The dividing point of a segment
- The right: functional form (find the rule and determine values)
Equation of the affine function
Alloprof – Switching from one form of equation to another
- Determine the relative position of a line and determine the equation of a parallel or perpendicular line
Useful links to help
Cyber Révision to help you prepare for the MÉES SN4 single test.
CyberRevision – Mathématiques TS4 #1
CyberRévision – Mathématiques TS4 #2
Document ministériel concernant l’Épreuve unique en mathématique au secondaire
Information document – Épreuves uniques – Mathématiques, 4e année du secondaire
Programme formation de l’école québécoise (PFEQ) for Secondary Cycle 2 mathematics
Mathematics – Cycle 2 – Secondary
Secondary school pathway chart – Vocational training and CEGEP
Table of CEGEP prerequisites
Essential skills for high school:
High school mathematics :
- Revision mathématiques 2e secondaire
- Revision Secondary 3 mathematics
- Revision of the mathematics technico sciences program (TS4)
- Revison of Culture, Society and Technology (CST4)
- Revison of the mathematics and natural sciences program (SN4)
- Revision of the mathematics technico sciences program (TS5)
- Revison of the mathematics natural sciences program (SN5)
- Tips to make homework easier
- Becoming a high school math tutor
- Find a math tutor
- Find an algebra tutor
- Find a science tutor
- Find a biology tutor
- Find a physics tutor
- Find a chemistry tutor
French in high school :
- Revision of French in Secondary 1
- Revision of French in Secondary 1
- Revision of French in Secondary 3
- Revision of French in Secondary 4
- Revision of French in Secondary 5
- Become a high school French tutor
- Find a French or French as a second language tutor
Secondary 4 History
- Secondary 4 History revison
- Becoming a high school history tutor
- Tips to make homework easier
English as a second language in secondary schools :
- Secondary Cycle One English as a Second Language
- Secondary Cycle ESL
- Become an ESL tutor at the secondary level
- Tips to make homework easier