Second year of elementary school
A school year is all about learning. As a parent, you want to review your child’s 2nd year of elementary school. He’s already in the last year of his first cycle. This page will give you access to the essential knowledge for grade 2. What’s more, it gives you privileged access to fabulous resources to help your child through the end of the school year. In short, this page is a one-stop guide to revising the second year of elementary school. It’s all based on the Quebec Education Program, available on the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Quebec website.
Common spelling and word meanings
Here’s what you need to review with your learner:
- Spelling marks such as the cedilla, accents, umlauts, hyphens and apostrophes
Here’s the fabulous site “leflepourlescurieux” which offers exercises and explains each of the signs.
- Naming and recognizing the letters of the alphabet in order and distinguishing between consonants and vowels.
- Introduce children to sounds
- Know the rules for capitalization and elision.
Here are two videos that explain these two concepts to children:
- Word relationships: word families, lexical fields and synonyms
Grammar and agreement in the second year
- Your child should be able to identify and understand the agreement system of: proper noun, noun, determiner, adjective, pronoun and verb.
- Child understands the noun phrase
Here are some songs children love about these concepts:
The noun phrase
The determiner
Syntax and punctuation
The child can observe sentence structure and knows the signs that delimit the sentence. They notice positive and negative sentences.
Here’s a wacky, easy-to-play educational game:
Conjugation for second graders
Your child can memorize the verb forms of the following verbs: to be, to love, to have, to go, to say and to do.
Text organization and coherence
Grade 2 students must :
- Observe and know what a text is
Video to give your child ideas for creating his character:éer-son-personnage/1805
- Producing a text
- Understand the organization of a fiction story
Here’s a reading from a book.
Vocabulary in 2nd grade
In the second year of elementary school, children need to master words related to the following themes: colors, numbers, orientation, the calendar, body parts, fruits, vegetables, back-to-school, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, pets.
Grade 2 mathematics
By the end of the first cycle, second-graders should have mastered the following concepts.
- Number sense
The Alloprof website will help you understand this concept more clearly.
- Fractions using concrete materials
Here are some easy-to-access objects to use to practice fractions: Smarties [or other sweets that will make your child smile], buttons, cards, pencils, and so on. In short, anything your child can handle.
- Sense of operations on numbers: addition, subtraction, mental arithmetic, etc.
Here’s a website you can use to practice with your kids:
The SOSteacher website gives you tips on how to learn the famous tables.
Geometry and measurement in cycle 1, grade 2
You can exercise your child at :
- Measure objects
- Recognize types of line
- Identify plane figures
- Solids: recognize edges, vertices and faces
- Calculate the perimeter of figures
Statistics and probability for grade 2
The child can calculate the probable results of an experiment. The Alloprof website offers a wide range of explanations for this section.
Useful links:
Revision of the first year of elementary school:
Essential skills for elementary school :
- Kindergarten school review
- School revison for grade 1
- School revison for grade 3
- School revison for grade 4
- School revison for grade 5
- School revison for grade 6
- Essential knowledge in English as a second language at elementary level
- Teach it Forward
- Become an elementary school tutor
- Find a math tutor
- Find a tutor in French or French as a second language
- Find an English tutor
- Ministry of Education spelling list
[1] Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES). Quebec Education Program.